Best Google Ads Agency in Dubai Top 5 PPC Benefits

by Icon Advertising LLC
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PPC or pay-per-click advertising, when used properly, can help you increase your online visibility, drive traffic to your website, enhance conversions and ultimately boost your sales and revenue — all without breaking the bank but only if you hire the best Google Ads Agency in Dubai.

Even if you are new business, competing with brands that have decades-old online presence, by strategically deploying a PPC campaign, you can hit the ground running and make a strong online presence with a little bit of optimization.

What is PPC advertising?

PPC or pay-per-click advertising is a digital marketing model that allows you to place your ads at the top of the search engine results pages (SERPs). You pay a fee every time one of your Google ads are clicked to reach your website or make a call.

PPC advertising, when deployed properly, can have a major and positive impact on your business and sales.

There are several reasons why small and medium-sized businesses opt for PPC advertising in Dubai. To summarize quickly for starters:

  • It is cost-effective since you only pay when a user actually clicks the ad to reach your website or social media page.
  • It is a targeted marketing campaign which allows you to select your audience based on demographics like area, language or device
  • PPC campaigns are measurable as you can instantly measure its effectiveness.
  • It is customizable as you can make real time adjustments to the campaign based on what works best for your business.
  • It delivers results instantly. You will see the impact of PPC advertising almost immediately.

Still, most businesses are reluctant to invest in paid PPC advertising when there are several free options available.

Are you also not sure if you should pay for Google ads? Continue reading to know 5 powerful PPC benefits that would convince you to invest in a strategically planned PPC campaign and to use the services of a top-rated google adwords agency in Dubai.

1. Google Ads gives you Immediate Results

The biggest advantage of PPC advertising is “Timeliness”. As compared to content and SEO marketing, PPC advertising delivers instant results, in almost all cases. With PPC ads you reach thousands of prospective clients instantly.

Studies have shown that around one third of the online customers use internet to search for nearby services and products on daily basis. That’s a significant number, especially when your business is displayed prominently at the top of the search engine results.

While you can’t rate PPC ads as the best marketing strategy, it is an extremely effective short-term technique to boost your conversions. Organic search strategies bear long-term benefits, but if you are looking for something to give you instant results, PPC advertising might be the way to go.

2. PPC advertising is cost effective

Since you have to pay only after someone clicks on PPC ad and reaches your website, investing in PPC advertising can be good value for money. Also, PPC ads offer you much needed budget flexibility. You can set your own budget and spend as much or as little as you want.

As you run PPC campaign, you can make adjustments to your budget depending upon the performance of the campaign. If you see positive results, you can increase your budget. And if you feel like putting your PPC campaign on break, you can pause or stop your ads instantly.

Other marketing options don’t offer this kind of budget flexibility.

3. PPC ads give instant traffic

With PPC advertising you can reach the right audience when they are actively searching for the services or products your business offers.

Organic marketing techniques focus on helping you get your website on the first page of the search engine, but PPC ads already have their slots booked — at the top of the page. So, why not benefit from the offer to start generating leads. Organic growth through content and SEO marketing is also necessary to build a long-term brand. However, sometimes you have to opt for PPC ads for more instant results.

The best part is that you will be charged for the clicks only but your brand will be displayed to users who are already searching for the products you sell.

4. PPC Ads give higher ROI

PPC ads help you encourage your prospective clients to convert into real customers. In 2020, around 74% businesses reported that “Pay Per Click Advertising” was a key driver to generate revenue by contributing to a significant portion of their annual sales.

Besides, unlike other marketing options, PPC campaigns are quite measure able. And anything that can be measured can be improved and monetized. So, you can always improve the performance of your PPC ads until you get the desired Return on Investment (ROI).

5. PPC advertising helps to increase your brand recognition

Google estimates that PPC campaigns boost brand awareness by up to 80 percent. Wondering how is that possible?

As your PPC ads show up more frequently and higher in the search results, more potential clients will see and recognize your brand online. The more your business shows up in the Google search results, alongside your competitors they already know, the more likely they are to click on your ads. This helps build your brand’s reputation online.

A consistent presentation of a brand in the right places can boost sales and revenue by up to 33%. And what can be easier and quicker way of presenting your brand than PPC advertising. A study found that businesses that target local audience through PPC ads boost in-store visits by more than 105%.

Choosing the best Google Ads Agency in Dubai

PPC advertising has proven to be a reliable channel for tons of businesses to drive traffic to their websites and boost conversions.

The process seems to be simple at first glance. You pay for every ad clicked with your ad displayed right at the top of the search engine. But it is not that simple! You pay for leads and conversions, not just for clicks. PPC campaigns must be run with a meticulous strategy. Only a trusted Google ads agency in Dubai like Icon Digital can help you.

  • What keywords you should target to show up in the search?
  • What ad groups are you interested in?
  • What is the best way to maximize you conversions?

That’s why it is always advised to outsource the services of a digital marketing team. Or you can simply choose the best Google Ads Agency and save the money spent on hiring a digital marketing team. When you choose the right digital marketing agency, you pay for your ads strategically and reap all of the benefits mentioned above.

Contact us now!

Icon Advertising is a leading Google Ads Agency in Dubai. We have over 15 years of experience of designing and implementing PPC campaigns for businesses of all sizes. Our strategically designed PPC ads will start driving targeted traffic to your website immediately. Our in-house team of experts tests different PPC ads and strategies before finalizing on the most effective campaign for your business.

As a leading PPC Agency in Dubai, Icon offers the most trusted and reliable Google ads services not only in UAE  but also to businesses in Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain and all-cross the Gulf. Contact us now to book an appointment with a PPC strategist and start getting quality traffic and increased conversions in no time.

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