Tirex - Brand Creation & Launch
Key Highlights

The Saudi Arabian market is comparatively large and geographically dispersed. TireEx intended to introduce and launch its services predominantly across three major cities – Riyadh, Khobar, and Jeddah.
Inform and establish top-of-mind recall amongst consumers on TireEx’s services whenever the need to purchase new tires arises.
Being the leading Digital Marketing Agency in Dubai, We developed a creatively inspired illustrative route incorporating 3D elements that visually depict the user journey via the website. Our character symbolized the core audience – a young Arab gentleman who was most likely to be the predominant user of a web-based platform to source tires for their vehicles.
Thought and consideration were given to using elements and colors to ensure that viewers instantly identified the campaign with TireEx as the brand.
Taking into consideration the Social Media behavior patterns of our target audiences, we strategically allocated resources across platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter as well as leveraged upon Google Display Networks and Google Search Ads during the month-long campaign.
Our YouTube ads had an average View-Through-Rate of 34%, which is more than double the industry average of 15%. On Twitter, we saw seven times the expected engagement rate. On Facebook and Instagram, the Ad Recall Lift rate was 3.55% and 4.57%, respectively, higher than the typical average of 3%.

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