Top 5 Tips on How to Get More Engagement on Social Media

by Icon Advertising LLC
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Are you struggling to get more engagement on the social media account of your brand? Do you have a reasonably long list of followers on your social media account but your posts go unnoticed? Or you are going in loss on social media marketing front? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, you have come to the right place. In this post we will share with you some simple yet powerful tips on how to get more engagement on social media. Transform your business with Icon Advertising, a specialist social media marketing agency in Dubai.

What is social media engagement?

Social media engagement refers to interacting with your prospective customers and getting their responses on your posts made on various social media platforms. Common types of social media engagement include likes, shares and comments.

The importance of getting engagement on your social media

  • Promotes brand awareness: With right social media marketing strategy aimed at the right audience helps you build brand awareness.
  • Increase your reach: When people engage with your social media posts, this allows the algorithm identify your post as interesting and more relevant. This will ultimately help push your content into feed of people with similar interests and likes.
  • Develop meaningful interactions: Unlike email marketing, or maintaining a blog, where you address audience blindly, social media posts are conversational. And when you give people a reason to engage, really meaningful interactions can develop from that. 
  • Helps you offer better customer service: By being on social media and answering questions of prospects in timely manner gives you an opportunity to show your customers they matter to you.
  • Gather accurate and precise data: By being active on social media, you know your target audience and the analytics you get by engaging with them, such as engagement rate, link clicks, shares, tell you how many people are interested in the product or services you are selling.

1. Post content engaging latest trends and issues

The first and foremost tip is to create engaging content that addresses and engages audience. Your content should be unique, but you can also use a mix of your own content and the content popular on social media. Here are some simple tips and tricks you can use to create engaging content.

  • Create content that readers would share with their friends or save for later use
  • Try adding a question in the caption that can prompt people to start a discussion in the comments section.
  • Avoid long content. If necessary, add paragraph breaks to make it less intimidating for readers.
  • Including interesting yet relevant emojis also helps.
  • Tagging an influencer’s handle is also an easy hack that can help you get exponentially more engagement on your content. 

Discover how top social media companies in Dubai like Icon Advertising can help you grow your brand.

2. Engage audience by asking questions

Engaging customer on social media by asking questions is one of the best ways to grab user’s attention. Posts that include surveys and polls engage users affectively by holding their undivided attention. 

While asking question, make sure your content is related to your business. Start a poll that compare your products, thus more people get to know about your products. In addition, this practice also helps in gathering data which is useful for future marketing campaigns. 

3. Use visual assistance

On social media, a person sees the content from numerous sources, like family, friends and many business promoters. Now you want your post to stand out from the rest, you must help your posts with visual assistance. Include high quality graphics which will help the content get viewer’s attention.

Posts which include plain texts are most likely to be scrolled down, while adding eye-catching graphics increase the chances of getting more engagement on social media.

4. Frequent posting

Sometimes, as a business promoter, you feel your posts are not getting apt response. This happens mostly because your content could not make it to the front page. As social media is being flooded with posts every minute and second, some time your content is pushed back right after it is posted and thus does not appear on front page for your customers.

To contest in an environment where competitors are swamping the social media with posts, frequent posting is necessary to make sure your content gets enough users attention. Also optimize your post’s timing; post at times when it is highly likely that maximum customers will be online. You can also find out optimal times and frequency by analyzing the response of audience.

5. Respond to audience’s comments in a timely manner

By responding to followers’ comments relatively soon you show them that you care about them and value their opinion and feedback. Remember, these followers are your potential customers, so not only respond to them in a timely manner but also try to engage them by keeping conversation going.

Even a like on a comment from your brand’s social media account could be enough to show them that they have been heard!

This isn’t relevant to positive comments only. While followers are mostly kind and appreciative, they could be unbearably negative. If you come across some harsh feedback, react to that as well calmly.

Pro Tip: Do respond to all negative comments and keep your calm while responding to them. Deleting or ignoring harsh comments reflects negatively on your brand.

Final word!

While creating a social media account is free, the time you invest in creating engaging content for social media platforms to attract potential users and then engaging with them is valuable. You would never want to create a social media account of your brand to end up with just a few dozens of followers. Or worst, to have an impressive list of followers but get ignored by everyone.

By following these tips and strategies mentioned above, you can not only improve your social media engagement metrics but also get a better Return on Investment (ROI) on your social media marketing as a whole.

Hire us!

If you are struggling to get results from social media engagement, you can always hire services of Icon Advertising, the leading social media agency in Dubai. We have a team of highly skilled social media experts that can help you create a social media account for your brand in Dubai and then manage and maintain it for effective social media marketing.

To book an appointment with our social media experts, fill the form below or call us now.

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