How to Create Your Brand Persona

If you start thinking about the number of brands out there, you may find your head spinning. There are millions, or may be billions, of brands across all industries, marketing and competing in the marketplace. And your business, no matter small or big, is just one of them.
But don't panic! You still have a fair chance to stand out, especially when it comes to businesses you are directly competing with. It would be a little challenging task, but not impossible. If you wish your prospects to recognize and remember you, create a brand persona.
What Is Brand Persona?
Wondering what brand persona is and how to create one for your own business?
Your brand persona, in simple words, is the identity of your brand. It’s what makes your business unique in the marketplace by creating a personalized story that customers could connect with.
Coming to the next question, how to create your brand persona in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Saudi Arabia or anywhere in GCC. So, here we have listed down three simple and easy to follow steps to create a brand persona that your prospects will remember and recognize.
1. What Message Do You Want To Convey?
The first thing you need to decide is what message you want your brand to share with the audience. What do you expect to achieve with the products and services you offer? What is the ultimate target of your branding strategy, to enter the marketplace or lead the industry?
When you know the message you wish to convey through your branding strategy, you get a fair idea of your position in the market and what do you want to achieve. This will help you create a promising mission and vision statement of your business. Don’t feel overwhelmed by all this information and don't feel pressure of creating right strategies for your business at this stage. You can always come back and make changes to mission and vision statement.
2. Decide Your Target Customers
The next step is to decide the audience you wish to target. Your business might be familiar to them, but to introduce it to broader audience, you need to decide which age group you want to target, what are your target demographics. Once you will find the right answers to these questions, you will be able to build a deeper connection with the audience.
Like brand persona, there is also a buyer persona, representing a single face of a particular audience segment. Buyer persona comprises of different traits of your audience segments. For example you might have a buyer persona representing new parents, while another one representing newborn and toddlers, and yet another one representing students or a certain business class.
Developing buyer personas help you define different segments of the society based on demographics, such as customer location, gender, age, hobbies, and jobs. Once you have developed buyer personas based on these demographics, you can combine them to create an effective brand persona that resonates with your target audience's needs and preferences.
3. What Represents Your Brand Qualities?
This third stage involves creativity, where you have to decide a pictorial face of your brand. Think of some character, image or object that represents the qualities of your business. You can even go imaginative, for example, if want to tell people your brand represents loyalty, then golden color might be true depiction of your brand. If your brand represents toddlers and young kids, then use bright colors as representation.
These images and ideas might not be the true external face of your brand, but they would help set mood for what you are trying to achieve by marketing it. You can also use graphic styles, alphabetical letters, phrases, and signs as your brand representation.
Ultimately, you can use these elements to develop brand guidelines, such as your business tagline, your logo, colors scheme of your business website.
Final Word:
While you use these questions to lay a foundation of your brand persona, make sure it feels natural. Once you will start shaping your brand, more ideas may cross your mind. Don't feel overwhelmed! All that you need to focus upon is, your brand persona should be consistent but flexible. Overtime, new trends may emerge in the market, or you may start offering new products and services. In such cases, you would need to adjust your brand persona.
Hire Us:
If you feel you are not prepared to initiate this apparently simple yet strategic process of creating a brand persona, don't worry. You can always outsource the task. Hire Icon Advertising, the leading branding agency in Dubai serving clients in Abu Dhabi, UAE, Saudi Arabia and all-across the Gulf. We can help you in creating a creative brand persona that resonates with the needs and preferences of your target audience.
To know more about our marketing and branding services, call us now or fill the form below for a free consultation.