Google Ads vs Facebook Ads Which One You Should Choose

by Icon Advertising LLC
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One of the most common questions digital marketing experts face almost every day is: “Google Ads vs. Facebook Ads — which one is better?”

And the answer of digital marketing experts almost every time is — it depends!

Google Ads vs. Facebook Ads — How They Work?

Google Ads and Facebook Ads are the two leading PPC advertising techniques. Before discussing which technique is better let’s have a look at what’s the difference between Facebook Ads and Google Ads?

While both are digital marketing strategies, the basic difference lies in how products and services are presented to consumers.

Facebook ads are displayed in front of users who have similar interests, whereas Google ads are shown to those who are specifically searching for the product you are selling.

In simple words, Google ads focus on lead conversion whereas Facebook ads are focused on brand outreach.

For top-notch advertising solutions in Dubai, consider Icon Advertising, a leader among advertising companies in Dubai.

Which technique is better for you?

Both Google Ads and Facebook Ads are great online marketing tools that can help you maximize your reach. Many companies use both Google Advertising and Facebook Advertising to promote their businesses.

However, since small businesses have limited time and funds, you have to start smartly to get the most bang for your buck.

While marketers often compare and contrast these platforms, they are actually complementary, each offering unique benefits to your business. Yes, one technique can be better than the other, depending upon various factors including:

Your campaign goals

  • Your budget
  • Your business size
  • Your business type
  • Your target audience

Here are four things that your marketing team must consider before deciding if they should invest in Google ads or Facebook ads.

1- Your Campaign Goal

Which of the two advertising techniques would be suitable for you primarily depends upon your campaign goals. What do you want to achieve with your digital marketing campaign?

  • Do you want brand awareness?
  • Do you want to generate leads?
  • Do you want to boost sales? Or,
  • It is something else?

Having clarity about your campaign goals will steer you in the right direction.

Google Ads are ideal to reach the audience with high purchase intent. For example, if someone is looking up for the keyword “leather bags,” this means they are interested in purchasing one. The ads showing up will be about leather bags offered by different businesses, and thus the search intent could lead to sales.

Facebook Ads, on the other hand, comprise an ideal option to reach prospects that have interests similar to what you are selling. Thus, it is a marketing technique for product and brand awareness. Icon Advertising is the premier ad agency in Dubai, offering tailored advertising strategies to meet your business goals.

2. Your Budget

No matter which ad campaign you are using, the ultimate goal is always to maximize the return on ad spend (ROAS). Some platforms are easier to maximize the return than the others.

With any ad campaign, your goal is to maximize your return on ad spend (ROAS). It’s easier to do that on some platforms than others.

Google ads have different cost-per-click (CPC) for different keywords depending upon the keyword competition. If you are targeting a keyword that has high CPC but you have a small budget, Google ads may not the right choice.

In case of Facebook ads, you decide how much you want to spend on advertising. Facebook will then give as many results as possible against the amount you invested. For example, if you want to spend $5 per week, you can and if you want to spend $5,000 per week, you can do that as well.

To compare Google ads and Facebook ads budget wise, you can potentially reach more people on Facebook with $100 budget than on Google. It is all about finding where your dollar will be more profitable.

3. Stages in the Buyer’s Journey

Certain advertisement platforms suit better with certain stages of online purchase process.

On Facebook users are generally not actively looking to buy products. Instead, they explore options and share their interests on this social media platform. Therefore, Facebook is a great place for you to make users aware of your brand.

On contrary, Google search engine is estimated to get more than five billion searches daily. These searches can be about any stage of a buyer’s journey. However, the keywords searched on Google show higher purchase intent.

4. Competitor Data

When planning your marketing campaign, it is crucial that you review historical data. Going through historical data will give a clear picture of what worked in the past and what did not.

Also, go through competitor data to get a fair idea of what ads they are running and where they are running them. This will help you know the areas of opportunity and give insight into the strategies of your competitors. 

Seeking a full-service advertising and marketing agency in Dubai? Look no further than Icon Advertising, a local leader.

Contact us

If you are still confused about which advertising technique you should choose in your digital marketing campaign, contact Icon Advertising, the best digital agency in Dubai, today. We will not only help you decide the best technique for your business but will also create an effective marketing plan for you. We are considered as the most trusted Facebook marketing agency in Dubai.

We have a highly skilled team of digital marketing experts to help you develop a highly effective marketing plan for your next campaign.

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