Continental Tires&039; B2B digital solutions campaign on LinkedIn
Key Highlights

Project Summary:
Continental Tires launched a highly successful B2B digital solutions campaign on LinkedIn to raise awareness and generate quality leads for their truck fleets business. The campaign included original content in the form of two high-quality video commercials and informative videos segmented into short clips. The campaign targeted senior-level professionals across multiple industries in several countries in the Middle East.
The objective of the campaign was to raise awareness of Continental Tires' B2B digital solutions for truck fleets and generate high-quality leads in key markets across the Middle East.
To achieve their objectives, Continental Tires created original video content that was informative and engaging for their target audience. They launched the campaign on LinkedIn with a frequency of one video per week over seven weeks. The campaign also included A/B testing to compare the effectiveness of the external website lead generation form versus the LinkedIn lead generation form. After testing, they recognized that the LinkedIn lead generation form performed better, resulting in higher-quality leads.
The campaign was highly successful in achieving its objectives, generating significant interest and engagement across LinkedIn. The original video content helped raise awareness and promote Continental Tires' B2B digital solutions for truck fleets. The campaign's targeting strategy ensured the content reached the right people in key markets across the Middle East.
As a result of the campaign, Continental Tires was able to generate high-quality leads from senior-level professionals in the Logistics & Supply Chain, Import & Export, Mechanical or Industrial Engineering, Construction, Building Materials, Civil Engineering, Mining & Metals, Oil & Energy, Package/Freight Delivery, Transportation/Trucking/Railroad, and Warehousing industries. The LinkedIn lead generation form was found to be the most effective, resulting in better lead quality and engagement.
In conclusion, Continental Tires' B2B digital solutions campaign on LinkedIn was a highly successful strategy that raised awareness, generated quality leads, and increased engagement for their truck fleets business. The informative and engaging video content, targeting strategy, and lead generation form optimization were key factors in achieving these results.
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